Terms conditions product request

I. Definitions
Conditions – these terms and conditions as amended from time to time.
Website – website located at: www.rawlplug.co.uk.
Product Request – a software owned by and installed on the servers used by the Provider, comprising portfolio of products offered by the Provider, enabling the Provider to provide the Service, which is available on the Website and may be accessed and used through web browser.
Service – free of charge service of handling Enquires, submitted by the Customer to the Provider through the Product Request, by sending to the Customer indicative information on pricing and availability of products listed in the Enquiry.
Provider – Rawlplug S.A. with its registered office at 6 Kwidzynska St., 51-416 Wrocław, Poland, entered into the business register of National Court Register under no. 33537, having tax identification number (NIP): PL8951687880.
Customer – a natural person, a legal person, or any other organization which is granted with legal capacity under a statue, acting through a representative or an employee, that is provided with the Service.
Enquiry – a form consisting of a list of products offered by the Provider chosen by the Customer and indicating quantity of each product.
II. General Provisions
- These Conditions govern especially type and scope of the Service, terms and conditions of the Service, as well as the rules on concluding and termination of an agreement for the provision of the Service.
- Accessing and using the Website constitutes a consent of the user to be bound by these Conditions.
- By sending the Enquiry the Customer submits an offer to conclude the agreement for the provision of the Service (the “Agreement”). The Agreement between the Customer and the Provider is concluded at the moment of receiving by the Customer an email confirming the receipt of the Enquiry. The Agreement shall be governed by these Conditions.
- The Provider is entitled to amend these Conditions at any time. Any such amendment enters into force on the date of its publication on the Website. No amendments to these Conditions shall affect any Agreement that was concluded prior to the publication thereof.
- If the Enquiry was sent by a natural person representing a legal person or any other organization which is granted with legal capacity under a statue without proper authorization, such natural person submitting the registration form shall be deemed the Customer.
III. Service
- Access to and use of Product Request require working connection to the Internet and having a web browser or any other application for browsing contents of the Internet installed on the computer or electronic device.
- The registration of customer’s account is not necessary for submitting the Enquiry.
- Submitting of the Enquiry requires the consent of the Customer to be bound by these Conditions as well as Privacy and Security Policy of the Website. The consent is communicated by ticking respective boxes and pressing the button “Send” or “Submit”.
- In the Enquiry form the Customer shall provide following information necessary for the provision of the Service:
- Personal information: name, surname, email of a person submitting the Enquiry, physical address and country of residence/seat of the Customer. Optionally the Customer may provide business name, telephone number and other information indicated in Enquiry form.
- List of products chosen by the Customer through Product Request and quantity of each product.
- The Provider shall send an email confirming the receipt of the Enquiry to the email address provided by the Customer. The Provider may refuse to process the Enquiry without giving any reason, especially if the information submitted by the Customer is incomplete or unprecise. In such case the Agreement is not concluded.
- Notwithstanding the preceding point, the Provider may request the Customer by email or telephone to provide additional information necessary to perform the Service.
- The Customer may be informed about the status of the Enquiry by email.
- The Provider shall perform the Service by sending information sought by the Customer in the Enquiry, i.e. information on pricing and availability of products, to email address indicated in the Enquiry. The Service shall be performed within a term fixed by the Provider at its sole discretion. The Customer shall not have any claims against the Provider in regard of the Provider’s failure to perform the Service within the fixed term.
- Pricing and availability information given by the Provider is indicative and for information purposes only. It shall not constitute an offer within the meaning of art. 66 § 1 of statue dated on 23rd April 1963 – Civil Code (Dz.U.2016.380 amended from time to time).
IV. Rights and Obligations of the Provider
- The Provider shall provide the Service with diligence and care on the basis of information submitted by the Customer.
- The Provider shall not be held liable for accuracy and reliability of information submitted by the Customer that are the basis of the Service.
- The Provider is not responsible for any irregularities during the provision of the Service resulting from:
- incorrect functioning of web browser used by Customer;
- incorrect functioning of Internet connection;
- adverse actions of third parties;
- other reasons not attributable to the Provider.
- The Agreement ceases if the Customer:
- provided false information in the registration form;
- breaches any of the terms hereof;
- uses the Service in contravention to the applicable laws.
- The Provider may carry out updates, repairs and maintenance to Product Request and other technical facilities used for the provision of the Service and temporarily block the access to Product Request for the time needed to render such operations. Information about such blockage will be placed on the Website.
- Each party is entitled to immediately terminate the Agreement at any time. Termination must bear a form of an instrument. Termination or cease of the Agreement shall not result in an obligation to compensate any damage suffered by the other party.
- The Provider shall not be liable for any loss or injury suffered by the Customer as a result of using information (including files) received by the Customer within the scope of the Service.
V. Right and Obligations of the Customer
- The Customer is obliged to provide true and accurate information in the Enquiry.
- The Customer is aware that all information provided by the Provider in connection with the performance of the Agreement is purely for information purposes. Any use of such information by the Customer for the purpose of any project or to resolve any technical issue is solely at the Customer’s risk and must be independently verified by the Customer.
VI. Protection of Personal Information
Protection of personal information of the Customer provided to the Provider shall be governed by the Privacy and Security Policy.
VII. Trademarks
The Provider has all rights to any trademarks on the Website. The Customer shall not use any of such trademarks in any manner whatsoever without prior written consent of the Provider, except for where such use of trademarks is connected with the use of products offered by the Provider, including information received by the Customer within the scope of the Service.
VIII. Final Provisions
- Each party hereto mutually waive any and all claims against the other party for any loss or injury suffered by that party in connection with the Agreement.
- Any complaint in connection to the Service must be submitted in electronic form to the email address: web@rawlplug.com or by post to the address of the Provider within 7 days from the date when the problem occurred.
- The complaint must contain following information: name, surname, business name (if applicable) and description of a problem that was a reason for a complaint, including the date and type of irregularities.
- The complaint shall be considered within 14 days from the receipt thereof.
- Any disputes between consumers and the Provider in connection with these Conditions shall not be the subject of alternative dispute resolutions (ADR).
- Any individual and additional agreements between the Customer and the Provider require to be made in writing under the pain of nullity.
- The Agreement and these Conditions shall be governed by the laws of Poland.
- Any disputes in connection with the Agreement shall be exclusively and finally resolved by the Polish common courts competent for the seat of the Provider.